FAYCO Personal & Social Adjustment Services
Personal & Social Adjustment: Our Community Day Services Program (CDS) emphasizes pre-vocational areas of training and life skills for our clients who are living in an approved and licensed residential program.
Our Connections Program utilizes the community’s resources to help individuals explore new things and develop new skills.
Community Day Services Program (CDS)
Community Day Services (CDS) is open to developmentally disabled adults, based upon availability of funding and program capacity. Services are designed for an array of ability and skill level ranging from;
1) individuals with the most significant disability who may enjoy a program with an emphasis on in-house and community activities that include socialization, health and wellness, safety, and independent living skills to
2) individuals desiring a more advanced opportunity to learn and explore their community through volunteerism and an exposure to competitive and/or center-based employment.*
*Centered-based employment is designed to provide individuals with work opportunities that allow the individual to earn wages based upon their skill level and is governed by the Department of Labor 14(c) and WIOA regulations.
Connections helps individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities to engage with their community. By exploring opportunities for:
- Self-Advocacy/Independent Living
- Continued Learning
- Job Exploration/Training
- Recreation, Hobbies and Community Events
Connections utilizes the community’s resources to help individuals explore new things and develop new skills. Staff provides support through programs that help individuals identify their strengths, needs, and interests.